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Project: Lemongin (Turtle Trench), Release: TBA (iPod Touch/iPhone)

An in-house development by Memir Software, as our first iPhone title. Project Lemongin is a modern take on the classic Lemmings game, specifically crafted for the iPhone touch screen interface.

With colorful graphics, 60FPS smooth gameplay, the core game engine is coded in C++ and OpenGL maximizing the iPhone's potential.

This title takes our traditional approach to game development, which is to not use any third party API's for the game engine core. Which although requires more technical know-how, and a slightly longer initial development cost, it enables us to understand how the target hardware works 'under the hood', and gives us maximum access to graphical resources. Which for a game like this (relatively simple physics, lots of sprites, and run-time graphics modification) it's ideal.


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