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Memir Software Ltd. is a family run software development firm based in London, England. At it's core comprising of four brothers, all very talented and gifted in the realm of technology. Self-taught back-bedroom programmers, whilst educated to degree level in Electronics, with a solid background in mathematics & physics.

During the 90's we spent much of our time developing computer games for the PC platform, Handhelds & Mobile devices (Gameboy Advance, Palm Pilot, Mophun), console (Nintendo 64), and custom Embedded Systems.

At the turn of the millenium, we shifted our focus towards the internet (HTML/Flash) and multiplayer gaming, as evidenced by our successful online gaming sites: www.thesnookerclub.com, and www.thepoolclub.com. We also began working as freelancers for various software houses in the industry, seeing how things were done, to fill in any gaps in what we had learnt as back-bedroom programmers.

Individually, we have a reputation of high standard work in the industry, being capable of delivering the impossible for clients. As a Team, there is *no* software project we cannot deliver.

© 2025 Memir Software